It's easy to open an account!
After your account is opened, you will need a minimum of $10,000.00 trading capital to fund your account. If you own stocks, they can be transferred into your account and will increase your trading capital. INTEREST will be paid on free credit balances swept into Money Market accounts.
Step 1
The exchanges (Nasdaq, NYSE, etc.) require each person receiving real time data to register with them. Each exchange has their own forms that need to be filled out and signed. We make it as easy as possible for you. Simply click here for our forms page.

Step 2
After printing, completing, faxing, and mailing the forms in step 1, we will call you with a new account number.

Step 3
Transfer money and/or securities into your new account. Click here for money transfer page.

Step 4
You will receive an email with links to download Realtick 7 trading software and free electronic manual.

Call 888-665-9191 for Personal Assistance (we'll hold your hand all the way through)
Click here to see if Princeton is licensed in your state


Account Information

Initial Account
After opening an account, you may fund it with a minimum of $10,000 in cash or a combination of cash and securities (check, money order, etc.). We can transfer an existing account, or funds from your account at another brokerage, bank, etc. We strongly recommend funding of $20,000 or more for active daytrading.

Margin Account
The present margin rate is 50%. This means if you have $15,000.00 in your account, you can purchase up to $30,000.00 in stock. If the stock is sold the same day, there is no margin charge. If you hold the stock longer than 1 day, you will be charged interest on the debit balance (the amount you borrow). More margin information will be available upon request or when you open an account.

Account Interest
INTEREST will be paid on free credit balances swept into Money Market accounts

Selling Short
Selling short requires stock to be borrowed. Our training program will focus strongly upon short selling giving you an edge over those that don't know how. Our clearing firm has a large list of stocks that can be sold short. When you understand selling short, you might find it more profitable than buying long.

Securities are held for your account unless you specifically ask for them in writing. We charge
$25.00 for each issue transferred and delivered to you.

Free Credit Balances
We will send you any money to which you are entitled immediately upon request. If not requested,
any proceeds, dividends or other credited amounts to your account will remain there and, if eligible, earn interest.