- What is Daytrading?
- What is being
Long or Short Stock?
What is Swing Trading?
How high are the
Can I start part
time and trade on-line?
Why should I use
Princeton Daytrading instead of some other firm?
How much money do
I need to start and what is a margin account?
I don't live in San
Diego. Can I trade from my state?
How does your training
program work?
Do I need a license
to trade Level 2?
What is paper trading?
What options are
there for online connection?
- How do I select
an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
How do I buy and
sell with your service?
I'm using an $8.00
brokerage, why should I trade with you?
Do you permit foreign
investors and traders based in other countries services?
- How do I sign up?
is "daytrading?"
Daytrading is a high-risk/high-return intra-day buying and
selling of stocks (equities). A client connects in real time across the internet
through a brokerage firm to an electronic network that exchanges stocks between
buyers and sellers. Direct access traders can bid and offer stock as a wholesale
customer or can buy from and sell to market makers at retail prices using (SOES),
Electronic Communication Networks (ECNs), and NYSE DOT. Daytraders typically
exit all their positions before the market closes at the end of the day to avoid
worrying about after market price declines. There are exceptions, such as swing
is being Long or Short Stock?
- You are LONG stock if you buy stock and possess
it or if you entered into an unconditional contract to purchase
and you're waiting for delivery. You are SHORT stock if you borrow
it from your broker and sell it. These and other securities terms
are fully explained in our
is Swing Trading?
Swing trading is a short term investment strategy
where a trader will hold a stock overnight anywhere from 2 to
5 days (approx.). The benefit of this strategy is taking advantage
of gaps up and a steadily increasing price. For example: If a
trader determines that stock ABCD will rise for the next 3 days,
he would buy the stock on day one and sell it on day 3. The negative
side to swing trading is being vulnerable to gaps down from unexpected
negative news or a market correction.
high are the risks of DayTrading?
There is a relationship between risk and reward; as reward
increases, so does risk. Day traders are competing against other day traders,
market makers that purchase for their own accounts, and institutional traders
who are seeking the same rewards. It is important to minimize risk to be profitable.
A reasonable reward to risk ratio might be 3 to 1. Your trade potential should
be at least 3 times the amount you could lose. We teach you how to evaluate
a trade's potential. Click here
to read: SEC Chairman Arthur Levitt Discusses Risks and Rewards of On-Line Trading!
When you hear about On-line trading you probably think about discount brokers
such as Ameritrade that trade Level 1. They use a third party, or middleman,
to execute their trades. Direct Access Brokers, however give you access directly
into the markets using Level 2.
- Can
I start part time and trade using the internet?
- You can start part time. You have
control over all aspects of your trading. It is highly recommended
that you take advantage of our
courses before you begin trading. You need to know how to swim
before you jump into the water. Trading on-line using the internet
allows you the flexibility of trading from your home, office,
or even while traveling.
- Why should
I use Princeton's TradeTutor instead of another training program?
- Princeton Daytrading, LLC is dedicated
to creating the most sought after training program with the highest percentage
of successful traders. Our
program makes learning fast and easy with the greatest level of retention
and skill development. You can expect more from Princeton, and get it.
- How much
money do I need to start?
- Typically, you can open a stock trading account with a minimum
of $2,000.00, but you will be restricted to no more than 3 daytrades in a
5 consecutive trading day period. You will be able to buy and sell without
restriction if you hold the stock over night. If you open an account with
$25,000.00 or more and maintain a minimum balance of $25,000.00 you can make
as many daytrades as you like with no restrictions. When margined, you will
have 4 times the buying power during the trading day, but cannot be margined
more than 2 times your account equity if you are going to hold a position
over night.
Can I trade from my state?
- All brokerage firms must be registered in the states in
which they do business. RMLTrading.com offers Realtick Software and excellent
service and low prices, so I recommend them for daytrading as well as buy
and hold stock investing.
How does your training program work?
- We offer our proprietary
programs at different levels.
1 will teach you basics of the computer and using Windows.
2 will teach you basics of the stock markets and technical analysis.
3 will teach you how to use Realtick 7 trading software including,
entering orders, using trend line tools, using the page manager, setting up
the alarm, resolving internet connection problems, etc.
4 will teach you advanced technical analysis and various trading
techniques including, using indicators, locating entry points, and locating
stocks to trade.
- You may learn more about our fantastic
training program by clicking "training"
on the left menu.
Do I need a license to trade Level 2?
- You do not need a license to daytrade level 2 (real time
quotes and the most direct connection to the exchanges). Daytrading is simply
buying and selling the same stock the same day. Anyone can do this.
What is paper trading?
- Paper trading is a very important part of skill development.
Before a trader enters an actual money trade, he/she records a trade on paper
(symbol, #shares, long or short, price), then after a period of time, records
the exit point and evaluates the practice trade. This is an extremely important
event. Only after you are confident that you can make money by paper trading
should you begin risking real money. Realtick has an electronic
paper trading system available. You are given a demo account in which you
enter trades using the real time execution system in Realtick 7 software.
Developing your skills with the execution system is vital to building your
confidence. There are no commissions charged when using the demo order entry
execution system. Buy and sell as often as you like, FREE!
What options are there for on-line connection?
- The area you live in will determine what services are available.
The following are the most common connection methods in order of our preference
from least to most desirable: 56K V.90 modem, ISDN modem, Cable modem, DSL,
and Satellite dish.
- How do I
select an Internet Service Provider (ISP)?
- The service of ISPs vary in speed and reliability. Important
questions to ask as you search for providers are: do they have a local toll
free phone number, do they experience bottlenecks, will you get busy signals
when you dial in, do their servers run with less than 75% total capacity,
does their service automatically disconnect you after 20 minutes and can the
disconnect feature be disabled, do they connect to the backbone with T1 and/or
T3 lines with more then enough bandwidth to handle all their customers at
once, how often does their service go down per month.
How do I buy and sell with Realtick?
- You buy and sell stocks using the execution program built
into the Realtick 7 software program. It is automatically
loaded and ready when you start Realtick 7. Nasdaq buy and sell orders go
directly (electronically) through Townsend and to the exchange for execution
in micro-seconds. When your order is executed, you will be notified immediately.
It is extremely fast and accurate. There is a less expensive, cut down version
of Realtick 7 software for beginners, but recommend the complete version.
Princeton's TradeTutor training program is based
upon the complete version of Realtick 7 software.
I'm using an $8.00 broker, why should I trade with you?
- I heard the President of the Securities Exchange Commission
(SEC) on CNBC talking about how most of the discount brokerages don't do their
own trade execution (called selling order flow); that they offload it to other
brokers that don't always execute trades at the best price (called slippage).
The average trade will not necessarily be more expensive when executed by
a firm that does pay for order flow. Also, many brokers act in a principal
capacity, trading for their own accounts; we feel this creates a conflict
of interest. These brokers (market makers) usually make money from the spread,
buying from you at the bid, and selling to you at the offer, as well as from
their own accounts.
- The following illustrates what could happen:
- Consider an internet stock trade with a spread
of 1 point (bid=$88 1/2 and ask=$89 1/2).
- If you buy 100 shares from U812-Trading Co.,
you must pay the ask price of $89 1/2.
- Using a direct access broker, you can enter your own bid
(just like a market maker) at $88 1/2 using an ECN.
- Suppose your bid is executed and now you
own 100 shares of stock at $88 1/2 /share.
- Let's assume the bid price declines to $88
- You are now down $25.00, (down $125.00 if
you bought from U812-Trading Co.).
- Now, the bid price moves up and is $88 3/4
and you decide to sell the 100 shares.
- Purchasing at $89 1/2 from U812-Trading Co.
would yield a loss of ($25.00).
- The same purchase through a direct access broker yields
a gain of $75.00 assuming you were able to buy at the bid price.
- Now, let's suppose you purchased 1000 shares
instead of 100!
- The U812-Trading Co. example would be a loss of ($250.00) and the direct access broker example would be a gain of $750.00.
- Reason #2 - Why do you think the discount brokers can charge
you $8.00 and still make big profits? One reason is that they sell your market
order to an executing broker or middleman. Suppose they get your $8 plus another
$5 from the middleman. The executing brokers or middlemen are making millions
of dollars. Isn't that interesting. They buy your orders and they make
big money. How can that work? Suppose you enter a buy market order
at 10:00 am. Your confirmation shows you paid 1/4 point more than what you
had expected to pay. For 100 shares, the 1/4 point equals $25.00. How much
did you really pay for the $8 trade? Try $33.00! And, that's only 100 shares.
How much would 1/4 point cost you when trading 500 shares? Try $125.00. So,
where do their big profits come from? What about limit orders? Suppose you
entered an order for 100 shares at $50.00 per share when the price was $50.00
per share.Your order is redirected to the trade execution middleman. The price
begins to decline, so he sells you 100 shares from his account at $50 per
share and then buys it back 2 seconds later for $49.50 per share! You paid
1/2 point, or $50.00 too much.Your real commission would then be $58.00 for
the trade. A 500 share trade would have cost you $250.00 too much. When you
don't know the facts, the $8 trade sure looks like a bargain. With a direct
access broker, you can see the stock available, as in the market maker window
above, and YOU enter orders directly into the system. You have the
opportunity to buy wholesale (earning the spread for yourself) and there are
no middlemen to cheat you.
- Once you trade with the many advantages of level 2 and Realtick
software, you will better understand the sayings, "penny wise - pound
foolish" and "you get what you pay for".
What about foreign investors?
- You must meet certain requirements, but can probably access
the us markets. Contact RMLtrading.com to help you get an account open. Tell
them at RML that Princeton Daytrading referred you and you should get special
- How do I
sign up?
- Contact RMLtrading.com. Tell them at RML that Princeton
Daytrading referred you and you should get special consideration.