The Level 2 Market Maker Window
This level 2 market maker window takes you to the heart of the Nasdaq Exchange. You can buy stock from any of the sellers ASKING 119 3/8 or more on the righthand side. If you had stock that you wanted to sell, you could sell it to any of the buyers BIDDING 119 1/4 or less on the lefthand side.
course will teach you all about the market maker windows as well
as how to locate the major market makers for each stock. The major
market makers typically buy and sell the largest number of shares,
so watching them can give you a clue as to the direction they
are moving the price. You will learn what ECN's are, how to buy
at the bid and sell at the ask to keep the spread for yourself,
and most importantly, what to avoid doing, so you don't get caught
in a short squeeze. You will see actual trades recorded in real